To begin the loan origination process, you do not need to be a member. Once your loan has been approved, the account opening will be coordinated for the same day that the loan disbursement would be made.
Of course! We offer several membership fields for you to become a member of Caribe Federal. In the following link you will find over 80 companies and entities, that if you are an employee, you can be part of us. Also, anyone can become a member through La Liga de Arte de San Juan or the San Juan Community Library. In the following link you will find more details.
The Hato Rey, Guaynabo and Ponce branches are open Monday through Friday from 7:15 AM-3:45 PM and Saturday from 7:15 AM-3:30 PM. The Federal Building service office is open Monday through Friday from 7:15 AM-10:15 AM. For more details, you can visit this link.
If you have lost your MasterCard, you must notify us as soon as possible. You can contact the following telephone numbers to report it: 787-751-0786 or 787-474-5151.
To activate your E-Statement, you only need your membership number and your last name. Click here to fill out the form and start receiving your next statements by email.
We have a document that has a table with all the interest percentages for each of our loans. When you are on our main page and scroll down a bit, you will see the interests’ information. You can click the link to see more.
We have a document that has a table with all the interest percentages for each of our loans. This document also has the dividends paid by the stock accounts we offer.
When you are on our main page, when you scroll down a bit, you will be able to see the interests’ information. You can click the link to see more.
To apply for a loan, you must complete an application virtually. Click on the link to start the process:
Your savings are federally insured to at least $250,000 by NCUA and backed by the full faith and credit of the United States government.
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