What are Credit Unions?

Although physically like banks, credit unions are very different.

You may think both offer the same services, but the truth is their focuses differ greatly. Credit unions are nonprofit entities that distribute their earnings between all shareholders. Our central philosophy is to better the lives of our members by helping them achieve financial stability. We do not seek to sell to you, rather guide you in the process, that eventually will result in you making your own, educated and effective decisions.

Credit Unions provide significant benefits to every member

Some of these are low interest rates, low cost charges and fees, and high dividends paid. Decisions in credit unions are made democratically. Our members choose our board of directors, a group of volunteers determined to work for the best interests of our members. This board hires an executive director, who supervises daily operation of the cooperative as well as the planning of future services.

Your shares in our credit union are guaranteed by our insurance of up to $250,000. Caribe Federal is subject to examination by the federal agency National Credit Union Association. Its objective is to ensure the rightness of management and administration processes in the cooperative.

With your economic participation, you become a member of this institution. You will be an active learner, who has a voice to vote, and who day by day is closer to its financial goal. Learn
to “speak differently” like we do in credit unions. All of this is part of what makes us unique.

Be part of our family. Be part of Caribe Federal.

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