How does Tele Caribe work?

How to use the system? Next, we will take you step by step.

  1. Dial the corresponding phone number:
    Puerto Rico Metropolitan Area - Call (787) 759-8383
    Puerto Rico outside the Metropolitan area - Call 1-800-981-5288
    United States - Call 1-877-982-3288
  2. When prompted, enter your membership number and press the pound symbol (#) key.
    Then enter your PIN.
  3. When prompted, enter any of the options on the Partner Main Menu:
    Press '1' for account information
    Press '2' for transfers and payments
    Press '3' for all balances and tax information
    Press '4' for any other information

The Tele Caribe system will offer you additional instructions according to the transaction that you want to do. If you need to hear the options again press the star key (*).

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