Cari Kid Share Savings Account

Hello mom! Hello dad!

If you have landed on this page and have sons or daughters between the ages of 0 and 12, we have great news for you. At Caribe Federal Credit Union we have an account designed for our youngest members.

Our Cari Kid Share Savings Account

With the I-Save Regular Share Account, our young members can start saving for their future and learn to manage their finances from an early age.

This account is a tool for both children and parents; because it helps them visualize and plan their financial future. The sooner they have the experience, the faster they will learn to handle and, above all, to value their money.

We invite you to fill out the following form to begin the process of opening the Cari Kid account.

To open the account, you must fill out the following form. Once we confirm your information, we will contact you to coordinate an appointment.

Generate income for kids
Tips for children to learn about savings from an early age
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